Shuttle for river crossing Raikaia and Rangitata
Bypassing the two big rivers

These two rivers pose extreme dangers as they can be very wide and deep. It can take hours to cross them and there is a risk of getting stuck in the middle. In addition, you are crossing private land which does not allow you to walk on it. Therefore, the Te Araroa Association explicitly states that these two river crossings are not part of the trail and should be avoided by shuttle or hitch.
For shuttling the service of can be used. The shuttling is cut by Alps2Ocean through 4 parts and costs about 30 euros per trip. A direct transport without stopover was not possible in our case. We were lucky and managed to hitch twice to avoid the shuttle costs.
- Raikaia (north side) - Methven
- Methven - Raikaia (south side)
- Rangitata (north side) - Geraldine
- Geraldine - Rangitata (south side)