Swiss Ultralight

Swiss Ultralight

All about trekking, thru-hikes and ultralight equipment


SOS devices (PLB) for thru-hikes and dangerous hikes

Cell phone reception at the end of the world

2 minutes read

Garmin InReach Mini

In remote places, cell phone reception is often non-existent. In an emergency situation, you are on your own without an SOS device. For longer tours it is therefore advisable to purchase one. Apart from the fact that you only have to press one button in an emergency worldwide (where GPS reception is available), some models also allow you to send SMS/emails to contact family and friends. This way, you can turn off the head rush and don’t have to constantly have an uneasy feeling about…

Ultralight sleeping pads for hiking

The difference between shivering and sleeping at night.

3 minutes read

Therm-a-Rest NeoAir Xlite Large shortened

A sleeping pad provides protection from cold ground. It also massively increases comfort. The “R-Value” indicates how high the degree of insulation is. The higher the R-Value the better the insulation. For snow, an R-Value of 5+ makes sense. In warmer weather, 2+ is perfectly adequate.

Shoes, Gore-Tex and Gaiters

From leather boots to sandals made from car tires

3 minutes read

The general opinion says, as soon as one undertakes a longer hike or is on the way in the mountains, symbolically the 1.5 kg heavy leather boots are unpacked. Basically, every foot is different and everyone must find the appropriate recipe for themselves..

Insect protection in comparison

DEET, permethrin, picaridin: what helps against insects?

2 minutes read

Mosquito seeks blood

The most beautiful hiking trail can suddenly turn out to be very annoying with the presence of some unloved insects like mosquitoes and ticks. There is nowhere to rest, enjoy just the view or have a quick bite to eat without being eaten alive.

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